Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Yesterday, I took Paula in to see the doctor because she had an allergic reaction and a rash all over her body.  We switched the pain medicine and the antibiotics along with some extra medicine for the rash!!  Things look to be better today as far as the rash goes.  As far as the arm, not much is new, but she can still move her fingers little by little, and thought maybe she could move her wrist just a bit (it is still in the cast)!!  We will go get the cast off on Monday, the 20th in Kearney, so he can take the stitches out and asses the arm as a whole.  From that point, we are not sure what the plan will be, so please continue to pray for Dr. Buchman so he will know exactly what he sees and also what the best action will be.  Please keep Paula in your prayers, that her skin and stitches will look their best on Monday, and that she will quickly gain strength and movement in her hand!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep healing, Paula. Looking forward to seeing you later this week. Take care of yourself and let others take care of you, too :)
