24 hours away from heading to the airport!! A quick look back at our adoption journey. The first thought we had about adoption was back in Imperial, NE about 7 years ago. We taught the "Cubbies" class at church for AWANA's. The cubbies were 3-5 year olds and there was a little 4 year old girl that was adopted from China, her name was Cyndi. At the time we had been trying to get pregnant, and as most people that have tried unsuccessfully to concieve, we were convinced it would never happen. We then changed our family's direction, left Imperial and moved to Wayne, NE so that Paula could finish her college degree. Paula had even made the comment, "Well, if I can't get pregnant, I will at least go back and finish school". You guessed it, about 5 months later, we found out we were pregnant and we put the adoption on the back-burner. Fast forward again to August of 2008, we had moved to Boys Town, NE and had 6 teen girls living with us, and God had put the desire back in our hearts for adoption. We sat down with our specialist at the time and asked if there would be any reason that we could not pursue the adoption. Her answer was no reason at all. I kid you not, that night we were driving and Paula said I think we need to stop and get a pregancy test. Again anyone that has been trying to concieve will know that they should have bought stock in pregancy tests. We went home took the test and it was positive. Again we put the adoption out of our minds. In December we found out that we were having another boy, but he had a fatal condition call Anencephaly and the Doctors told us there was zero chance of survival. The next question was if we wanted to terminate the pregnancy, which our response was that it is not our decision as to when AJ goes to heaven, but God's. God chose March 13th, 2009, the same day he was born. God had blessed us with two boys, but he had showed us load and clear that his plan for us was to continue the adoption. April 14th, 2009 if my memory serves correct we had our first meeting to "officially" start the adoption. We already knew our baby would be from Africa! After mountains of paperwork, multiple trips to the notary, doctors, etc, July 23rd, 2010 our "dossier" was sent to Ethiopia. December 30th, 2010 we received a picture and "referral" of our little baby boy. What an amazing day! Over the next few months we thought we had the plan figured out. Until Paula said again, "Um, I think we should take a pregnancy test". What??? So here we are with Malachi age 4, AJ age 2 with Jesus, Elijah age 10 months, and another baby boy due at the end of October!! God has put this in our heart for a long time and it seems like it is just hitting me today as we prepare for the last leg of this journey and the first leg of another one is just beginning!!! I think I may have said a quick look back, sorry. :) All the people that have shared and helped and prayed, we can not thank you enough.
It is such a privilege to pray with you and walk this journey with you. So glad God brought you to Lincoln and into our lives.
ReplyDeleteAmos, I love your post and I am really gonna miss you. Praying God keeps your plane safely in the air and lands it safely on the ground. That the God of all Creation will protect you from malaria and other illnesses while traveling to meet Elijah's birth mom and that most importantly, God will display His glory to you throughout the next few weeks.
Wow, what a story! Blessings for your trip.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the update! God has done amazing things for your family and is using you to show others His UNCONDITIONAL love! The road has been long, but God ALWAYS has the perfect plan. Praying for you as you begin this new adventure. Blessings on your new son and your son on the way, as well as Malachi and the both of you!